Friday, March 28, 2025

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Adobe’s New AI Tool Lets You Edit 10,000 Images at Once

Editing images with AI makes complex tasks a breeze, but given how computationally intensive it can be, it’s tricky to find a way to perform edits in bulk. However, in the great AI race, Adobe hopes to take the lead by offering people the option to perform a batch edit for up to 10,000 images.

Adobe Firefly’s New Beta Program Opens the Gates for Batch AI Editing

Woman working on graphic designs on laptop at desk, overlayed with Adobe Express logo.
New Africa / Shutterstock / Adobe express

As reported by The Verge, the creative giant is testing out a new beta plan for its AI tool, Adobe Firefly. It’s pretty generous, even at this stage; people enrolled in the beta can use AI to quickly edit up to 10,000 images.

If you’re expecting complicated and in-depth AI edits, you’ll be a little disappointed. So far, the beta only allows you to resize images, remove backgrounds, or add a new background. However, for people who need to perform these tasks en-masse, this should be an excellent way to get the job done.

The resizing tool is especially useful for content creators, with pre-set options for specific platforms and ad banners. If your image is too small, Adobe Firefly will expand the canvas and “imagine” what the rest of the image would look like using generative AI. However, The Verge notes that the generation isn’t great and features obvious artifacts, so perhaps hold off on that one until Adobe can iron out the issues.

Adobe states that the cost of editing images will be based on how many of them you upload, which likely means that you’ll have to purchase credits via Adobe Firefly Services to use this service. And while it’s in private beta right now, Adobe wishes to release it publically during Q1 2025. Until then, if you want to make use of Adobe’s background removal tool but you don’t have 10,000 images lying around, you can instead give the Photoshop Generative Fill tool a try.

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